martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

RA.287 Red D

He plays house.

Bart Van Neste has been DJing for 20 years—and as you can probably tell from the name of his label, he has a pretty clear agenda. We Play House was set up in 2008 as a vehicle for the productions of upstart Belgian producer San Soda and has since expanded out to take in artists (who make house) from right across the scene. The prerequisite for an appearance on the label has been a personal relationship with Van Neste, usually formed by DJs/producers such as Tyree Cooper and Reggie Dokes passing through Clues—the weekly party Van Neste has played for the last 14 years in his home town Deinze—and the monthly WPH night out of Ghent. Van Neste started out as "the guy tying things together and making sure all is well" but has since moved into production, linking up with San Soda to form FCL and writing WPH's biggest hit, "Let's Go," in the process. He also recently formed VFB alongside Motor City Drum Ensemble, splitting a 12-inch, Love Description EP
, for Delusions Of Grandeur between his two collaborative projects.

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011


Para este fin de semana los quiero dejar con este chart del buen Lee Foss que como siempre la rompe detrás de las tornamesas. A los amantes del Deep House y del Indie Dance este chart les va encantar.

Link to listen and download:

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

RA.286 Xhin

Techno meets IDM in Singapore.

While you'd hesitate to give it a name, the type of techno Xhin and Stroboscopic Artefacts have been pushing of late does feel somehow removed from what's gone before. That could be part of the reason that despite being involved in electronic music since 1997, we felt it appropriate to feature him in our Breaking Through series late last year. Even as recently as last year the Singaporean producer was releasing solid—but in no way ground-breaking—house and techno. And then this happened. While it's unclear whether recording with a new imprint, Stroboscopic Artefacts, simply gave him a new lease of life, the Fixing The Error / Link EP just felt that much moreweighty than previous material. He then followed it up with a string of equally intriguing music for SA and his former stomping ground Meerestief, which has just culminated with Sword, Xhin's sophomore album that brings his love for classic IDM and ambient triumphantly to the fore.



miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Pum Records...

Señoras y señores les quiero presentar mi disquera, "Pum Records". Les dejo el link/enlace para que puedan ver todos los avances musicales con nuestros artistas como Serge Gee, Danny Acosta, Horacio Cicero y un servidor JorgeR

Living the Deep...

Ladies and gentlementts I introduce to you my new record label "Pum Records". Here is the link to check all our interests and music with our favorites artists like Serge Gee, Danny Acosta, Horacio Cicero and myself JorgeR

Living the Deep...

My Pics

Hola crew, aquí les dejo el link/enlace de mi flickr donde seguido subo fotos mas recientes. Espero les gusten, comentarios siempre son bien recibidos

Vote in the RA Poll

Cast your vote in RA's year-end poll for your favourite DJs and live acts of 2011.